Poultry meat is, without a doubt, a regular and essential element in our diet. We consume it for many reasons: because of its flavor, because of its price, because of our tradition with this type of meat… but why should we continue consuming it?
To begin with, it provides us with a large quantity of proteins, with a powerful biological level, which provide important minerals and vitamins for our development, especially during the growth age. In addition, in each bite we ingest an adequate content of iron and folic acid.
It should be noted that chicken also has a generous amount of B vitamins; It also provides beneficial fats for the prevention of ailments and diseases in our cardiovascular system.
Last but not least, for our food happiness. Chicken is a versatile food, it combines with countless foods and therefore it can be added to countless recipes from our daily kitchen. Baked, battered, in soups, in weight loss diets or even a stuffed chicken can shine at large family gatherings.
As specialists in chickens and poultry, we offer products brought from the best producers from which we choose the best specimens.
You will find our Shop in Palma de Mallorca, in the Mercado del Olivar, central aisle.